Work Package 7 (WP7) deals with the task of data management in ORCHESTRA, a task which is particularly challenging as ORCHESTRA has 26 beneficiaries and many third parties and collaborations from about 15 European and non-European countries involved and works with cohorts located in different countries. A cohort means a large number of patients which are grouped by certain categories. E.g. ORCHESTRA’s Healthcare Worker Cohort researches the immunisation status of healthcare workers after vaccination or COVID-19 infection. Cohort research relies very obviously on data extraction and data analysis. In order to be able to draw correct information from the data, ORCHESTRA depends on common standards and codes. Yet, medical standardisation and harmonisation is a worldwide challenge which is still work in progress. Prof. Dr. Sylvia Thun, Eugenia Rinaldi und Caroline Stellmach from Charité partner are tackling this important task and speak openly about challenges, motivation and visions.