Information about the partner
Founded in 1386, Heidelberg University is Germany’s oldest university. On the 2017 Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities, Heidelberg ranks 1st nationally, 12thin Europe and 42nd in the world. Heidelberg University Hospital (UKDH) is one of the leading medical centers in Europe and is at the forefront of health sciences. UKDH is a key partner in many large-scale consortia-based research programs, including 20 Horizon 2020 projects, as for example, ZIKAlliance and RECODID. The Heidelberg Institute of Global Health (HIGH) within UKHD is Germany’s largest and oldest institute for global public health research. The institute contains a faculty of >50 scientists, working mostly in Africa and Asia. The institute has ongoing scientific projects in >30 countries. It has a particular focus in identifying need for interventions and establishing the effectiveness and impact of global health interventions and health policies to fight infectious and non-infectious diseases in resource-poor countries. For this work, it uses quasi-experimental approaches in large population-based and clinical cohorts, as well as randomized controlled trials nested within large ongoing cohort studies. Another focus are methodological innovations for applied global health research, including novel uses of experimental, quasi experimental and econometric methods. In addition, a major strength of the institute is the transdisciplinary integration of methods from health research, economics, psychology, ethics, jurisprudence, and the political sciences to address some of the most pressing global health and human development needs.