Information about the partner
Veneto Region, according to Italian law, is a public administration with institutional commitments concerning the definition and implementation of policies in many fields, including the competence about health service: it promotes welfare policy and implements strategies based
on community and intersectional approach.
Among the regional offices, the Directorate for Prevention, Food Safety, Veterinary is responsible for the governance of public health policy and carries out planning, direction, control and coordination functions towards the Regional Health Service, including strategy to contain the epidemic of SARSCoV-2.
The Regional Health Service is composed by n. 9 Local Health Authorities and Azienda Zero. The latter represents the governing public company of the Veneto Region in the health sector and operates as a technical and regulatory support for the Local Health Authorities. It has been established by the Regional Law n. 19 of 25th October 2016, and its mission is to guarantee the rationalization, integration and efficiency of the health, social-health and technical- administrative services of the regional health structures and services.