Information about the partner
Founded in 1964, the INSERM (French national institute of health and medical research, www.inserm.fr) is a public scientific and technological institute that operates under the joint authority of the French Ministries of Health and Research. Its mission is to facilitate the exchange between basic, clinical, therapeutic and public health research leveraging on its scientific expertise in several fields and covering a very large spectrum of human diseases.
The laboratory, entitled IAME for “Infection, Antimicrobials, Modelling, Evolution”, is an alliance from basic to clinical and population-based research towards medical progress in the fight against infectious diseases. Created in 2014, it belongs to the French Institute for Medical Research (INSERM) and to the University of Paris and to the University Paris 13. It depends of two departments of the French Life Sciences and Healthcare Alliance (AVIESAN), Infectious Diseases and Public Health. Located at the University of Paris / Bichat Medical School campus in the north of Paris and connected to several University Hospitals in close proximity, it provides a unique opportunity to mix basic scientists and clinicians involved in infectious disease research.