Information about the partner
The Paediatric European Network for Treatment of AIDS (Penta) was established in 1991 as an independent collaboration among paediatric HIV centres across Europe aiming to address questions about antiretroviral therapy (ART) in HIV infected children. The Penta Foundation was subsequently set up in 2004 as the legal body representing the Penta network. In 2011 Penta evolved to Penta-ID (Infectious Diseases), integrating the expertise acquired in more than 20 years of successful activity in the area of HIV to other paediatric infectious diseases and investigate and implement the best ways to prevent, diagnose and treat diseases in children. Today the network benefits from international recognition, global geographical representativeness with over 90 centers in 18 countries including South America, Sub Saharan Africa and South-east Asia, very high-quality research, an outstanding track record and diversified public and private funding. PENTA-ID has been recognized as a Level-1 Network for paediatric infectious disease in Europe by EnprEMA.