Information about the partner
CINECA, established in 1969, is a non-profit consortium composed of 70 Italian Universities, 9 national research institutions, and the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). CINECA, equipped with cutting-edge hardware resources and highly- qualified personnel, is committed to accelerate scientific discovery by providing high performance computing resources (HPC), data management, data analytics, storage systems and HPC services. CINECA provides HPC facilities to support academic and industrial research projects in weather and climate forecasts, material science and material design, astrophysics and plasma physics, computational fluid dynamics, computational bioinformatics, genomics, particle physics at both Italian and European level. Endorsing the mandate of the MIUR, CINECA represents Italy in PRACE, the pan-European ESFRI e-Infrastructure for HPC, as one of the four PRACE Tier-0 Hosting Members. It is also one of the founding members of the European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing (ETP4HPC), an industry led framework to define research priorities and action plans in various technological sectors. Being a main data management infrastructure in Italy and Europe, CINECA is an active member of pan-European Collaborative Data eInfrastructure (EUDAT) foundation, hosting one of the four HPC platforms dedicated to the Human Brain Project. CINECA is also a member of the Big Data Value Association (BDVA).
More recently CINECA has been selected as an hosting entity of one of the future EuroHPC precursor to exascale European supercomputers that will be installed in 2021 in the Bologna Technopole, the new CINECA data centre.
Besides the national scientific HPC facility CINECA manages and exploits the supercomputing facility of the Italian energy company (ENI).