ORCHESTRA Suite Introduction
For a recorded Q&A session about the ORCHESTRA Website Login Area click here.
ORCHESTRA Emerging Scientific Evidence
This survey aims to collect emerging scientific results per Work Package. Please complete a separate survey for each emerging scientific evidence that you would like to share.
Emerging scientific evidence survey
ORCHESTRA Protocol Evaluation Framework
This framework is intended to guide members of the WP9/CGGG and the Advisory Board in the process of evaluating and approving existing protocols. In addition, researchers contributing to the ORCHESTRA project can use this tool as a framework for developing future study protocols. A widespread adoption of the tool across the various ORCHESTRA cohorts will ensure that all essential study-items are addressed in a consistent and transparent manner.
ORCHESTRA stakeholders
For a new project it is crucial to find potential stakeholders that could be interested in the ongoing process and results of ORCHESTRA – that could be connected research networks, participating hospitals, experts/researchers already involved in your work – please collect contact information here:
Stakeholders of ORCHESTRA survey
New cohorts/projects
For new cohorts/projects interested in joining ORCHESTRA there are now buttons for receiving information within the ORCHESTRA landing page. All applicants should read the information and fill out the expression of interest form below. At the moment WE DON’T OFFER additional funding for new projects but if WPs think the new cohort/project would be a great contribution there is a chance of internal redistribution. (please contact us if any requests reach you – wp9@lists.orchestra-cohort.eu)
Expression of interest form for new/external cohorts
Expression of interest form for new/external projects