Cohort documentation of WP2
When analysing the following charts please consider the following:
Sometimes, the amount of patients might decrease. This relates to patients who have either withdrawn their consent or are lost to follow up.
Most patients do not "go" through the follow up visits step by step, starting with 3 month follow-up, then 6 month follow up etc. as you would expect. ORCHESTRA consists of many heterogeneous cohorts with partly different visit structures. Recruitment can be challenging due to different circumstances, which can cause differences in visit timing.
Note that some cohorts have just started collecting patient information, while others have been collecting data since the beginning of the pandemic.
BL = baseline visit, 3M-FU = 3 month follow up visit, 6M-FU = 6 month follow up visit, 12M-FU = 12 month follow up visit, 18M-FU = 18 month follow up visit

WP2 - cohorts
n = amount of patients in the respective visit